Letterstime - Ein
Geleitzug - Hoists, Cables, and Petards
30, 1915
---- Benbow, course 195 speed 16 knots
As noon
approached, so did the waters off Charleston,
a port on the southern part of the eastern coast of the United
States, now some 50-plus miles to the
west. Herrick had noted that Admiral
Burney appeared to have begun to relax a bit, just as he had yesterday,
and at
about the same time. Even as Benbow’s CO
covertly watched the admiral, the flag officer rubbed at his face with
nut-brown and well calloused hand. Perhaps
he felt the glance, for he turned to face him.
“Captain, you may proceed.”
“Aye, aye, sir,” Herrick responded, crisply
enough. Nonetheless, as the signal flags
ascended the
hoist, he remained uncertain as to the wisdom of the orders he was
up. Could the Germans really have split up? Was Burney implementing orders he had brought
with him all along, from the Admiralty, perhaps?
“All ships have acknowledged, sir.”
“Very well. Execute.”
Aye, aye, sir. Helm,
come to course 088, speed 18 knots.”
Burney wanted to be arriving off Bermuda
- some 700 miles distant - at dawn two days hence and had timed this
Not all of his command would be arriving
there, Herrick
reminded himself, as he watched two of the ships begin to diverge from
course. Duke of Edinburgh and Black
Prince were on their way to Kingston
and that was what bothered him most. True,
it would be a master stroke if the Huns had peeled
off a cruiser
or two themselves, a la Emden,
what if what they found was a battlecruiser? Would
the pair of them suffice? On the other
hand, they might constitute just enough of a
risk that the
Germans would seek elsewhere for victims.
Of course, if the Germans had remained
concentrated and
stayed out of the Caribbean, then no harm would
from it and perhaps some good. Certainly,
the big armoured cruisers would well soothe a
lot of
merchanter fears. Restoration of
trans-Atlantic traffic had been deemed absolutely vital and the
view was that the presence of large, friendly warships had always been
the best
and surest way to get merchants back out into the sea lanes.
Still, Herrick would have preferred to wait
until word of
the Germans had been received.
“Sir, steady on course 088, speed is 18
“Very well.”
---- Bermuda
The acting station chief considered the map
again. According to the latest wireless
Admiral Burney was about 40 hours east and on course for Bermuda. Admiral Seavey had reached the mid-point
his transit, putting him about 10 days away by convoy speed or a bit
three, if he detached and proceeded independently at best speed.
The only reason for Seavey to leave his three score and ten charges, however,
would be if all the
Germans were found somewhere else. Nor
was that all of it, reflected the white-haired flag officer. If all of the Germans were spotted trying to
break back into the North Sea, for example,
Seavey’s orders would turn him around right in mid-ocean.
Until now, that is, thought the admiral. Noon
had Seavey closer to Bermuda than Britain,
with the difference growing larger hour-by-hour. Shortly,
it would become impracticable for
Seavey to reverse course for a flying passage back, making stopping and
in Bermuda essentially inevitable, no matter
where the
Huns should turn up.
He looked up and out into the empty harbor. In just a few days, it was going to get
crowded out there and he, for one, looked forward to it.
---- London,
Offices of the Admiralty
The admirals and ministers were again facing
the fact that
another dawn had come and gone in the Americas
without a sea battle or even a simple sighting of the enemy. The Germans, who had strutted and preened
themselves so publicly off the major cities of the United
States, seemed now to have just
evaporated. Indeed, practically as Admiral
Burney caught
his first glimpse of the New World, the Huns
decamped to ... somewhere. But
where? And ....
“How could they have known?
So precisely, I mean.”
The minister’s remark hinted delicately at
espionage. The admirals’ countenances
remained still, as this field of battle was Carson’s,
unless the query was put to one of them directly.
“Simple math would seem more likely - that’s
my guess,” Carson
shrugged. “They would have expected a quick riposte and just added a
time.” He then gestured upward as he
continued, “and then there was that business with the zeppelins, as
There were grimaces at that.
Zeppelins as a fleet reconnaissance tool!
There was no telling what the Germans had
been able to see and report, though the Germans had hardly emerged
from THAT adventure and had not attempted to repeat it.
“We’ve kept it close,” commented Lord
Lansdowne, Secretary
for the Colonies and Dominions. “Closer
than I’d have wagered. Longer, too. The cable.”
Heads nodded. Severing
the German trans-Atlantic cable on August 5, 1914, hours after Britain’s
entry into the war, had left the Entente in sole possession of
instant communications. (NOTE
1) German efforts to nullify this
advantage had
been many, including cutting British cables when possible.
(NOTE 2) Advancements
in wireless technology, however, constituted
a far greater
menace in the minds of some. For
example, trans-Atlantic German wireless stations such as the one in the
United States,
threatened to erode the
strategically important global information monopoly, but diplomatic
efforts to
close them bore promise. (NOTE 3)
“Burney put in to Halifax
on the 27th; the papers there had it the next day, of
Lansdown continued. “By then the
admiral’s squadron was already off Boston. Yesterday saw the first mention in the larger
dailies but still nothing in the United
though we can’t expect that to last more than another day or so.”
“I agree,” said Carson. “Their admiral would have reported it, and Washington
leaks like a sieve.” The Yanks were
still profoundly somnolent in their languid peace.
No semblance of wartime security there, at
“And their crews should already be coming
ashore,” added
Admiral Callaghan. No matter what Washington
did, sailors would talk. Rumors would
grow. There’d be no clear evidence as to
which British ships were involved, of course, but word of a strong RN
would be up and down the US
coast in another day or two. The element
of surprise would be lost - if it’d ever been there to begin with - but
least it should boost confidence such that Admiral Seavey would have no
putting together the desperately-needed return convoy.
---- Wilhelmshaven
At last dismissed, the three admirals walked
out of the
waxed-wood chamber with its marble columns and the massive doors that
almost subsonically behind them. Nothing
was said as they paced down the halls and they silently acknowledged
the crisp
military courtesies extended by the sentries who opened the doors of
building. Once outside, background
noises began to grow but it was still quiet enough to hear the granite
whisper back the treading of the men and the junior officers who
followed in
their wake. The scents from the flower
beds gave way to coal smoke while the cheery martial tunes of military
were drowned out by the industrial cacophonies of modern military
machinery. As they approached the waiting
the junior officers there found little to read in their principals’
From Vice-Admiral Rudburg’s point of view,
the meeting had
not gone all that badly, especially the addition of a Baltic flotilla. He did not offer that observation,
however. The Baron’s countenance exuded
a pleasant, confident, and professional demeanor, but Rudburg knew
better than
to troll those deceptively still waters. He
had seen that look before, most recently when Letters
had had to
strike Markgraf from the sortie OOB. Rear-Admiral
Necki was also being quite careful with his
countenance. For him, this latest
meeting constituted a most stunning conclusion to a dramatically
month. It was not consternation, however,
that threatened to break out on his face and just now that would not be
a good
Author’s NOTEs:
1) The information war
may be hard to appreciate practically
a century after the Great War. Today,
there are a great number and variety of information sources and
methods, all
the way from ham radio, to satellite, to fiber-optic cable, to the
internet. The first trans-Atlantic cable
was completed
- after many heartbreaks and scornful posturings - in August 1858. Thus, real-time, trans-Atlantic information
flow had existed for over half a century when the Great War began. A wonderful site with lots of related
information - including global cable maps! - is this one:
would decisively win the information war component of the Great War,
but Germany
first faced the problem during The Boer War in 1899, when Britain
stopped allowing other nations to encode cable transmissions. Germany
then established a separate network of cables, with the first completed
in 1900
(Emden to New
York, via the Azores),
completion of which led President McKinley to send a personal
cablegram to Kaiser Wilhelm II. In World
War I, of course, British naval dominance allowed them to sever the
cables while protecting those of the Entente. This,
then, could well suggest another reason for any
Great Power
wanting a powerful, deep-water navy. The
consequences of winning or losing the information war were not limited
to the
obvious ones of intelligence and espionage. In
fact, one might well argue that spy matters were the
least of the
effects. On the strategic scale,
ownership of the only operable cables allowed the Entente to decide
information crossed the oceans of the world. This
was mentioned first in Letterstime during the
discussion of the
British Blockade and the British seizure of the American food ship
“Wilhelmina.” See:
On a larger scale, control of cables assured
that Germany
would always lose the propaganda war which, with the existence of
Neutral Powers, was a serious and eventually fatal matter.
One post-war calculation estimated that,
during the first year of The Great War, the sources of the front page
war news
in the New York Times were 4% from Germany
versus 70% from the Entente. Among the
sites that contain discussions of these issues, I recommend:
2) Some have wondered if
cutting the trans-Atlantic cable
might have been a worthy mission in the Great War for an expedition
such as
portrayed in Ein Geleitzug. It should be
noted that von Spee’s forces did that twice, but to no lasting effect. A shore party from Nurnberg
and Leipzig landed on
Fanning in
the Pacific and cut the two Entente cables at that location on September 7, 1914. In the case of Fanning, a Mr. Hugh Greig -
“the labour superintendent” - was able to dive and reconnect the
severed ends
himself, restoring service “within two weeks.”
would land
a shore party on the Cocos Islands to do the
there. That, in fact, was the mission
that led to Emden’s loss,
Sydney showed up at just that time. Emden
was destroyed/beached, though the raiding party escaped.
One might then well argue that the British
cable dominance (and the desire to cut it) had caused the loss of Emden.
3) See the chapter cited
below, especially Footnote 5:
by Jim